Diabetes self-care helps you find out what works for you to feel your best. With a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy a long and enjoyable life with diabetes!

Class 1: Diabetes: The Basics
WHO CAN ATTEND Members only
Must pre-register
Topics Include:
- Types of diabetes and meaning of A1c
- How to monitor blood glucose and what are target numbers
- Review of common diabetes medications
- Plate method and healthy food choices
- Physical activity recommendations
- Lifestyle change goal setting

Class 2: Diabetes: What Can I Eat?
WHO CAN ATTEND Members only
Must pre-register
Class 1 is required before taking this class. Bring the book and other materials that you were given in class one.
Topics include:
- Carbohydrate counting
- Meal Planning
- Label reading
- Dining out and alcohol guidelines
- Evaluate progress on goals

Class 3: Diabetes: Managing Health Risks
WHO CAN ATTEND Members only
Must pre-register
Class 1 is required before taking this class, and it is highly recommended that you take the classes in the order that they are listed. Bring the materials that you were given in classes one and two.
Topics include:
- Short-and long-term complications
- Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia treatment
- Sick days guidelines
- Blood glucose pattern management
- Heart healthy eating (sodium, types of fat)
- Foot care
- Tobacco cessation

Class 4: Diabetes: Beyond the Basics
WHO CAN ATTEND Members only
Must pre-register
Class 1 is required before taking this class, and it is highly recommended that you take this class after completing all the others. Bring the materials that you were given in previous classes.
Topics include:
- Advanced label reading
- Non-caloric sweeteners and sugar alcohols
- Additional information on diabetes medications, physical activity and dining out
- Stress management
- Weight management
- Next steps for long-term diabetes management

Lo básico Diabetes
WHO CAN ATTEND Members only
Must pre-register
Si tiene diabetes, puede aprender tecnicas para controlar mejor su problema medico. En esta clase recibira consejos que le ayudaran a fijarse metas sanas, comer saludablemente, hacer mas ejercicio y entender como funciona su medicina. Tambien apredera como monitorear el nivel de azucar en la sangre, cuales son las senales de niveles altos y bajos de azucar en la sangre, y como tratarlos.
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