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Mental Health

Believe it or not, some stress can be beneficial, and may even lead to actual problem-solving. But a lot of our stress is unnecessary and can be harmful to your heart and overall health. Negative stress can keep you from feeling and performing your best — mentally, physically and emotionally. Having heart disease can lead to an increase in anxiety, stress, or even depression. Many forms of mental health issues can affect heart disease.

Meditation 101: How to get started and different types of meditation to try

Check out some of the resource below to learn more and find ways to relieve some stress and improve your sleep.

Calm app

Headspace Care


Mended Hearts peer to peer support organization

Heart Disease and Depression

What is Mindfulness

Stress and Coping Mindfulness Can Help

Practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness Breathing Practice

The power of good sleep

Improving Your Sleep

How to Sleep Better


Meditation: Better Sleep