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Welcome to the
Kaiser Permanente TRICARE Prime Option!

TRICARE is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved.

Common Myths!

See if you can guess if the statements below are fact or myth. Click on each statement to see if your guess is correct!

If I enroll in the Kaiser Permanente TRICARE Prime option:

Pharmacy Visit

You enroll in Kaiser Permanente, a TRICARE Prime option, and you need a prescription filled. Which benefits can you enjoy now? Select all that apply, then click submit.

  • 90-Day supply.

  • Home delivery service.

  • Online medication look-up tool.

  • Onboarding call.


You’ve learned more about the Kaiser Permanente TRICARE Prime option! You can choose this option during the upcoming TRICARE Open Season or during a Qualifying Life Event.

We hope you give us a try and learn first-hand all the great advantages of joining the Kaiser Permanente family.

11 min.



Great job!

You’ve successfully navigated each myth and the correct information.

Not quite.

Review the options to try again!